Saturday, April 18, 2020
Spy Games Creative Essay Example For Students
Spy Games Creative Essay Being an international spy is no walk in the park. Death canbe waiting for you around the corner or around the world. Howeverwhen youre only 17 years old, death is the furthest thing fromyour mind. So here we were on a hot summers day playinginternational espionage. Of course to six of us playing, it wasjust another Saturday of playing spy. Myself, Tim Wolfe, David Sullivan, Peter Shore, JenniferStrong (who was the only female to be amongst us) and Frank Robbmade up the group. At this age it was suppose to be above us toplay in these spy games. We were going to be graduating in a year or so after all. Thuskeeping the game secret was good practice for all of us. It alsomeant lying to a lot of people as to why we were always busy onSaturdays. Mind you, we never considered it lying. We preferred torefer to it as clouding the truth. Many of us wanted to becomeemployed in the intelligence area. So really, we though of it moreas an act of deception. We will write a custom essay on Spy Games Creative specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We took our game very seriously. In fact we never evenreferred to is as a game. Mostly because we were working ourmaneuvers on real people who didnt know we were just a group ofteenagers pretending to be spies. Every week wed have at least onemeeting at my house to talk about how things were going. Sometimesdepending on the case or goal we were pursuing, the meetings wouldrun on into the late of night. I guess it could be said that I was leader of our group. Themeetings were held at my house, and I was the one who broughttogether the present group of agents. In the theme of espionage,we referred to everyone as an agent. Never as a friend. However wepreferred to think of our agency, which we had given the name ofthe Renegades, as a collective. That is, everybody had a say inwhat we did. My bedroom was in the basement of our house, and I had theentire basement at my disposal. Against the far wall was a roomwith my bed, stereo, and the usual stuff youd find a bedroom. Perhaps the one difference being I had posters of famous spies onmy walls rather than sports heroes. Igor Grouzenko is a goodexample. Outside my room was a large table where we held most, ifnot all, of our meetings. Thanks to a door located in the cellar,it made for easy access to the outside. In most cases my parentsnever knew we held meetings on into the dead of night. The dooralso made it easy to sneak out at night. Agents do their work bestunder the cover of darkness you know. Today our meeting was going to be a good one. Last Thursdaywe had decided to draw up entire new names and careers forourselves. Agents usually have more aliases than friends, so wedecided to change ours every month. It was kind of hard jugglingschool work and memorizing new alias information each month. Yetwhen we were out in the real world doing maneuvers it all seemsworth it. The table was round, so there really was no one at the headof it. From left to right there was Tim, David, Peter, Frank, Jen,then myself. I trust everyone had no problem coming up with a newalias I asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. From there we went about thetable saying who we now were and what our profession was. My aliaswas John Inglis, and I went to one of the local high schools. Asa part time job I supposedly worked for McDonalds. Everybodysmain story was that they went to high school. It helps givecredibility to your story. Perhaps the only thing that varied fromperson to person was their name, and their part time job. After some more talking, we decided on our next target. Wewere going to find out how much money the local computer storetakes in on a daily basis. Naturally they would not divulge suchinformation to a bunch of teenagers. The way we go about gatheringour information is the basis for our intelligence game. Finding outstuff about people and things which theyd rather have us not know. Since many of us had a chemistry test next morning, we keptthe meeting short. We all agreed to meet back at my house tomorrow Friday night to discuss our plan of action. As a parting wordI suggested that a cleaning of our guns during study breaks woulddo us some good. Both to help us relax to study, and ensure theguns worked properly. With that we said our good-nights. When I mention gun, Im not talking about the kind that carrybullets and actually kill people. The guns we carry are of a muchless harming sort. We carried CO2 powered paint guns which firedpaint pellets. Although they could do some damage if they hitsomeone in the eye, we always ensured that the enemy was hit on thebody. Preferable in the heart to ensure what would normally bedeath. We could carry the guns where-ever we wished, under onecondition. They must always be concealed. If your weapon could beseen, it was considered that you were as good as dead. Personally,I carried mine tucked into my pants behind my back. After a few hours of studying, I didnt think any more chemwould sink in. So, it was off to bed. Tomorrow Id write the test,and then get to thinking about our weekend of intelligence work. * * * * *The test went ok. Its always hard to concentrate fully whenyou know that youre doing spy techniques the following day. Withthat I went home around 3:30 and waited for my fellow agents toarrive. Eventually everyone showed up and we began to plan out whatwed be doing tomorrow. The plan was to have Jen and Frank headdown to the store tomorrow with the front of wanting to buy acomputer. The rest of us would wait out in the car and watch whowent in and out of the store. Saturday rolled around and Tim came by around 10am. Since Timwas the only one who owned his own car, he ended up doing most ofthe driving. It seems I was the last one to be picked up, aseveryone else was present and accounted for. By the time 10:30 hadrolled around, we were all down at Compu-Tech. Jen and Frank left the car, leaving the rest of us to sit andlisten to the radio. Time drags slowly when youre sitting and notphysically partaking in a mission. I mean aside from watchingwhose coming and going, there wasnt much else to do. About half and hour later Jen and Frank emerged. Chit chattingabout what they had seen and what the salesman had told them. Asalways we decided not to talk about anything concrete until we wereback at my place. Arriving home, we descended into the basement and took ourusual seating. Jen started the meeting by telling everything andeverything about the store. Frank sat beside her and interjectedhis opinion every now and then. By the time Jen had given us herreport we felt fairly comfortable with the information we hadheard. Yet we still didnt know what their daily income was. One more thing Jen said. One of the sales people was TammyContenda. Maybe she can give us the information were after. Tammy Contenda was a girl we all knew from high school. Although she was fairly popular, none of us could be considered hergood friend. Acquaintances is perhaps a better word. None the less,we had our lead. Now all we had to do was pump the information fromher. If she could tell us about Compu-Tech without any of usentering the building ourselves, so much the better. It was decided that myself and Dave would approach her. Afterall, she may recognize Jen and Frank from the store if they decidedto talk to her. We spent the rest of our day figuring out step bystep what we would do in the following weeks. Many of our missionstook about a month to finish, sometimes even longer. So speed wasnot of the essence. * * * * *On Monday I began Dave and I will approach Tammy to seewhat we can get find out about Compu-Tech. Chances are good thatshe wont volunteer the information readily. So, it may take sometime.What, instead of waiting a week for this project to come toa close we may end up waiting three or four? This was Petertalking. Pete always was in a rush to get our missions over anddone with. Were it not for the fact that he was an incredibleagent, and excellent at recruiting people, we might have let himgo. These factors alone were enough to keep him in the Renegades. Unfortunately it just might I replied. You know as well asanyone else that having Tammy tell us how much money the storebrings in lessens the risk to us. I know I know said Pete. I just wish it wouldnt take solong. Monday arrived before we knew what happened. Saturdays arealways dedicated to Renegade work. That means Sundays are left todoing homework. At school, Dave approached Tammy under the guiseof needing help in Algebra. As luck would have it, her and Davewere in the same class. Later on into the conversation, I happenedby and Dave introduced me to her. Bingo, contact had been made. Thegroup of us dont hang around together at school, so there waslittle chance of Tammy associating our intentions with Frank andJen. Still we decided to play it safe, so they ate lunch on theother side of the cafeteria. By Wednesday, Dave and Tammy had made arrangements for algebratutoring outside of class time. I had more or less fallen from thepicture as Dave had become good friends with her. Aside from aguest appearance here and there, that was it for me. At our regularThursday meeting though, we found just how good a friends theyreally had become!She what? exclaimed Frank from across the table. She asked me to go to prom with her repeated Dave. A chorus of laughter could be heard coming from the rest ofus. The prom wasnt for another two months, and tickets had justgone on sale at the beginning of the week. Its a safe bet that noneof us had even thought of getting a prom date. Plus considering ouroriginal plan was too just involve Tammy and then end it, this wasan interesting turn of events. Have you decided what youre going to tell her? Frankcontinued to probe the issue. I couldnt help but pick up a hintof jealousy in his voice. Of course. I told her that Id love to go with her. Silence echoed through my basement for what seemed like aneternity. At last I asked Have you found out anything about Compu-Tech? This seemed to throw everyone for a loop. Wed all beenwrapped up in the gossip concerning Daves life that we forgotabout Compu-Tech. Yeah, Ive been able to find out a bit about the place. Tammys told me about the establishment. Its owned by a husbandand wife team Linda ; Jason Proton. Business seems to run inspurts.How long has Tammy been working there? asked Jen. In thisshuffle of prom dates, everyone had forgotten to consider hermatters on the situation. She told me shes been there for about a year and a half. Business seems to come and go in spurts according to her. Thesummer months including September along with Christmas time aretheir peak times.Any complaints with regards to her treatment from them? Jencontinued. None really. Just the usual you know. More pay, not to workon Friday nightsYeah yeah I interjected. Any word on what were after?Nope, not yet. I plan on asking her Friday night.Friday night? we all seemed to ask in unison. Yeah, when we go to the movies together.Again, laugher could be hard all around the room. * * * * *Saturdays meeting was relatively short one. Everyone was atmy place by 1pm, and the meeting begun. How was your date lastnight, stud man? asked Frank. You could tell from the tone in hisvoice that he was mocking Dave. Fine thanks Dave replied, not lowering himself to reply withany snide comments. Incase you were wondering, I asked her aboutthe information were after. Oh yeah, asked her between kisses I suppose eh? quipped Frank. Now listen Dave began. My love life is none of your, orfor that matter anyones business, so if you dont mind IdDaves voice was tensing as we could sense his anger. Ok, ok Dave. We understand your point I stated. Now, if youwill continue your report on what Tammy told you, Im sure wedall be glad to hear it. Well, according to her, Compu-Tech pulls in around $500,000a year. Mind you, keep in mind that these figures are just comingfrom the top of her head.Would it possible for her to find out the exact amount ofmoney the store pulls in? Jen inquired. I suppose she has access to that kind of information. Yet howto propose I ask her? Wouldnt you become a bit suspicious ifsomeone asked you to find out the exact financial position of thebusiness you worked for?Well, I suppose I would Jen continued. What if you askedher to take a look at one of their accounting programs, under theguise that you wanted to buy a computer system. Then you could askher to use the real numbers from Compu-Techs income.I suspect it might. Yet I dont really dont want to putmyself in such a position. It could jeopardize my relationship withTammy.Mind you, it could be done, right? I asked. Ok, ok. Ill see about doing it. If I lose my prom date overthis though, you can count me out of the Renegades.Well take that chance Tim commented. After that comment, the meeting broke down. Jen and I stayedback to do a bit of target practice in my back yard. The targetswe used were of cut-outs of people which we propped up. Ideallywed like to have them jump out at us; as in real target practice,yet such a feat was not possible. So, we stood about 40 feet back from the target and began totake aim. We aimed for the heart area and the head. In real lifethough, with a real gun, youd aim for the persons head. Afterall, leaving any witnesses around was sealing your fate. Howeverwith only paint pistols, we didnt want to take any chances onhitting someone in the eye. For that reason we concentrated ourshots to the persons heart region. Jen was a much better shot than me. Where 8 out of 10 shotsof mine would hit the proper area on the target, all 10 of Jenswould land perfectly. I was jealous yes, but there wasnt much thatcould be done. We worked on various techniques. Such as doing aforward summer salt, standing up and shooting at the target. Another one was to walk by the target unsuspiciously, the quicklyremove your gun and shoot. The later was my strong area while Jen seemed to have masteredthem all. In a while, both targets were covered in red paint. Aquick hose down with water, and they looked as good as new. Nothing like an afternoon of target practice to relieve a bitof stress eh? I said. Yeah, now all we have to do is improve your aim.Thinking to myself, I decided that this would be a good timeand place. Jen I began. Already I could feel the sweat formingin my palms. I mean I could pull of this spy stuff with noproblems. Yet when it came to asking a girl out, I was as weak asthey come. Would you like to go the prom with me? There, Id saidit. Now all that was required was the word -yes- and everythingwould be perfect. Well its really sweat of you to ask oh oh, here it comes Ithought to myself. Yet Ive already said Id go with Dan Scoff. .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .postImageUrl , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:hover , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:visited , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:active { border:0!important; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:active , .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940 .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u90c0d83f99974c531ccd92630ec26940:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tell Tale Heart Analysis EssayI hope youll understand.Sure I replied. Inside my heart dove to the bottom of mystomach and began to be burned by its acid. Shot down again. Ahwell, thats life. Jen helped me put the targets away and I bid her good-bye. Looking at my watch, I noted the time was close to 4pm. I decidedto head inside and help Mom with dinner. For a guy whose supposeto feel great about his accomplishments, I sure never felt lowerin my life. * * * * *Sunday evening I found myself staring at my Physics book. Nothing was sinking in. My mind seemed to race everywhere. School,girls, Jen, the prom, the Renegades, everything. Suddenly the phonerang. How soon can you get over to my place? It was Dave. From thesound of his voice something was up. If I can get the car, Ill be over in about 5 minutes. Soonenough for ya?Perfect. and with that Dave hung up. Usually Dave can go onand talk your ear off. In fact the two of us usually sit around andchat on the phone from time to time. Out of everyone in the groupId say I knew him the best. Putting on my Levis and grabbing a baseball cap I proceededupstairs. A quick check with Dad that I could take the car, and Ifound myself headed towards Daves place. In my rush to get out thedoor, I didnt bother phoning any of the other Renegades. Nomatter, if Dave had wanted them at his place, he would have calledthem himself. Arriving at Daves I saw the familiar appearance of everyonescar with the exception of Pete. Since Tim and Pete live on the samestreet, I assumed that Tim had brought Pete along with him. Parkingmy car I walked up to the door and rung the bell. Within a matterof seconds Dave was standing at the door. Quickly, come in, come in Dave said closing the door behindme. In all my years of being friends with Dave Id never seen himso pale. Go on upstairs, everyone else has already arrived.Whats up Dave? I asked. Just get up stairs. Ill tell you once were in my room.I climbed the stairs to Daves room, passing family portraitsof him and his brother growing up. The odd family portrait of thefour of them. Kind of makes me wonder why my parents stopped at onechild. Anyway, before I knew it I was walking into Daves room. I walked past Jen and sat beside Tim. Whats going on here?I asked him?Beats me. I just received a call telling me to get my buttdown here. Yourself? replied Tim. Same.Now, youre probably asking yourselves why I called you hereat this time of night. began Dave. Well, its about Tammy. ShePete cut in She what? Found out you have frog lips?No you monkey head. howled Dave. Shes been kidnapped!* * * * *Kidnapped! I exclaimed. Are you sure? Who told you this?When did you find out? The questions just seemed to roll off mytongue. All I know is that when I called her tonight her Mom told methat Tammy hadnt come home from work on Saturday. She figured thatTammy had gone out with me or was spending the night at a friendshouse. Yet when I called at six tonight she still hadnt comehome. replied Dave. We all sat silent for a few moments. Everyone seemed takenback by this information. I was letting it sink in. Trying to findsome hole or something that I could say to indicate it may not havebeen a kidnapping. Then Jen spoke up. Have you tried to contact the owners of Compu-Tech? Perhapsthey know what happened to her.Mr Mrs Contenda tried to contact them. Yet she doesnthave their home number written down. Besides, its an unlistednumber so information is out of the question. We have to dosomething!! exclaimed Dave. This is what weve been training forall these years. To actually get out and use our talents. Well,nows the time!Hang on a sec here Dave I began. Were not even sure thatsome foul play has happened here. Why dont we wait until Mondayand find out what the police have to say. Then we can take it fromthere. Agreed?Agreed everyone said in unison, although Daves may havebeen a bit less then enthusiastic. Slowly we stumbled out of Daves house. On way out we mumbledour dont worry, everything will work out speech and what haveyou. We had decided to hold a meeting tomorrow after school and getorganized. The original plan of finding out the income of Compu-Tech seemed to be of minor concern in the recent news. I was home and in bed in no time. Sleep though didnt smileupon me tonight. My mind was racing through the potentialkidnapping that Dave had dropped on our laps. Although I issued mywords of encouragement to Dave along with the others, I couldnthelp but think Dave was on to something here. * * * * *School came and went. By 4:00pm everyone was assembled in mybasement, ready to figure out our next step. Tammy wasnt in algebra today Dave began. I called herplace when I arrived home from school and still no luck. None ofher friends have seen her either.Have the police been contacted yet? asked Frank?Yeah, Mr. Contenda said he went down to the station thismorning and filled out a missing person report. The officer on dutytold him theyd be in touch if anything turned up.Well, calculus was not the most exciting class today. So,rather than pay attention I came up with a game plan of sorts. Doyou folks have any objection to hearing me out? I said. Everyone seemed to nod in agreement, so I proceeded. Now from the way I look at things Tammy was a good kid. Theonly reason someone would want to have her kidnapped would be ifshe found out something she shouldnt have. As I understand it, theContendas are not the richest people in the world. So a possibleransom reason may be hard to swallow. For that reason this is what I propose. Jen and Dave head downto the hall of records. Photocopy or write down everything you canfind on the owners of Compu-Tech Mr. Mrs. Proton. Maybe theyvehad some bad dealings or what ever. Ill head down to the police station and see if I can get alook at the missing person report. I doubt theyll just show it tome, so I may have to push a few buttons if you will. Pete, Id like you to head down to Compu-Tech and see what youcan find out. Just kind of browse around and look and/or listen foranything. If youre approached talk like you want to purchase acomputer. In the small talk that ensues, ask about Tammy. You know,as any nosey customer would. Anyone have any questions?Yeah, what am I suppose to do? asked Frank. You and Tim are in charge of coordinating all the informationwe gather. Go over everything with, as the saying goes, a finetooth comb. Maybe youll be able to tie things together and makesome sense out of it.Ah bummer man said Tim. How come we stuck with the loserjob while the rest of you get to rock and roll? If we lived neara beach, Tim would have been on the waves 24 hours a day. Ihonestly think he should have been born in California rather thanOntario. From the way he talks youd think surfing was all he livedfor. Come on Tim, give it a break. Not everyone can have theglamorous jobs you know? I replied. Yeah yeah, I know dude. Its just Id rather be out rockenand rollen with you catsWe sat around for a while and talked about the specifics ofour assigned missions. Everyone seemed happy with theirassignments. Even Tim and Frank seemed pleased with what I hadassigned them, albeit they did grumble a bit. Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes my Mom yelled down thestairs. Will your friends be staying with us tonight?I glanced around the room and everyone shook their heads. No,they have to be heading home. I replied. With that we decided to call the meeting to an end. Wed haveour usual meeting on Thursday when everyone could tell us whattheyd managed to find. I saw everyone out the door in thebasement, and reassured Dave as he left. As Jen approached the doorI turned away and half heartily said see ya. Ever since shedsaid no to me about the prom Id been treating her coldly. Notintentionally mind you. I just couldnt relate to her anymore. Ifelt like shed ripped my heart out by saying no. Dave she began. Ah, look. Dinners almost ready otherwise Id love to sit andchat with you I interjected. Yeah, right Jen snapped back. Tim was the last to leave, and he closed the door behind him. I stood for a moment in silence and starred at the meeting table. For about 1 year we had been doing our spy stuff. In all the timewed never actually tried a real case. I chuckled to myself in thesilence. Just to think of it. A group of kids calling themselvesThe Renegades, was going to try and solve a possible kidnappingcrime. It all seemed a bit hard to believe. * * * * *I arrived home from school around quarter to four. Dad washome, so I asked him for the car. I fabricated some excuse aboutgoing to the library for research a school project. Telling himthat I was on my way to the police station would just result in abunch of questions which I was not in the mood to answer. Before I left the house I gave Dave a call. I wanted to knowif hed had the presence of mind to ask the Contendas if they knewthe officers name who took the missing person report. Dave toldme the name was Lublanski. I thanked him and hung up the phone. Thedrive to the station was a relatively short one. In the area offifteen minutes at the most. Parking the car, I walked up to the front desk and asked foran Officer Lublanski. Over there replied the desk Sergeant in a deep voice. Ithanked him and made my way over to the corner of the building. Sitting at a desk with what mounds of paper folders everywherepossible, was Officer Lublanski. She seemed like a fairly youngcop, fresh out of the academy. I guessed her age at 23 maybe 24. A pen wedged behind he left ear indicated that she was a lefty. Intelligence officers notice everything. Well, at least we had thatin common. Officer Lublanski? I asked as I approached her desk. Yes she replied. What can I do for you?Hi, my name is John Inglis I began, giving her my aliasrather than my real name. I was hoping you could give me someinformation on a friend of mine. Her parents seem to have reportedher missing to you a couple of days ago.In reality they had filed the report only yesterday. I didntplan on telling the cop any more than I had to though. Hmm, whats the name? she asked. Contenda, Tammy Contenda.The officer opened up a drawer and started flipping though afew files. Before long she pulled out a file and placed in on herdesk. In the corner was written Contenda, Tammy K. K must have beenher middle name. I was beginning to wonder what it may be when Iwas brought down to earth again by Lublanskis voice. What interested do you have in this case? she asked me. Doyou have any information that can help us out?Unfortunately I dont I began. Great. How was I going totell her I was interested with the case without looking like acomplete fool. Then, I remembered Tammy worked at a computer store,I decided to go at it from that angle. Tammy sold my Dad acomputer when she was working at Compu-Tech. The two of us struckup a friendship for a while. When we moved I kept in touch withher. My dad had to come to Toronto for business and I decided togive her a call. When I found out she may be missing, well Idecided to come down and see what you people could tell me.The cop looked at me for a while. Trying to figure out if Iwas for real I guess. None the less, she swallowed my story becausethe next thing I know she handed me the file. So far, its all weve got. Do you have any idea of the numberof abductions we get on a daily basis. Then their man power cuts,and what have you. It all makes for an increasing pile of work.I mumbled my yeah, I can relate reply, and poured myselfover the file. It contained the usually information such as age,hair colour, address, etc. nothing out of the ordinary really. Iwas just about to hand back and thank her when something caught myeye. It seemed that the last reported citing of Tammy the policehad was one of in a red pick-up parked outside the local 7-eleven. To our knowledge the last time anyone had seen Tammy was when shewas at work. I handed back the file and asked It says here the last timeshe was seen was at 7-eleven.Yeah. One of the workers saw her sitting in the passengerseat of the truck. He thought it odd that the girl was sitting withthe windows up when it was such a hot day outside.Windows up eh? Could indicate the driver of the truck didntwant Tammy making a scene of anything. Id tell my friends aboutthis info later. Thanks for all your help I said. Before I go, do you havea business card I could have? Ill be in town for a while longerand if I find anything out Ill give you a call. Sure, here you go. Thanks.Youre quite welcome she replied. From there she dove backinto the files piled up on her desk. * * * * *Jen and Dave arrived at the Hall of records shortly afterfour. Upon entering the building, they noticed that was close toempty. I guess not many people care about history Dave remarked. They made their way down the hall into a room containing thecomputer catalogs. Dave having the more experience with computersystems sat down. The main screen presented him with many choices. Lets see Dave began. What do you say we pick name search.Sounds good to me replied Jen. The question was a rhetoricalone, although Jen must have felt compelled to answer. Dave typed in Proton where it asked for last name andpressed return. The next display on the screen contained a listingof five people with the last name of Proton. Not know the firstname of the Protons who own Compu-Tech, Dave decided to print outthe information on all of them. Returning to the main screen, the next choice was a businessinquiring. Dave typed in Compu-Tech and was greeted with a screenshowing all of the information about the business. A print-out ofthis information was also obtained. Well, I guess thats about it eh? said Dave. Should we findout any thing else while were here?Na. We can always come back if we have to replied Jen. * * * * *Pete walked in to Compu-Tech and walked around for a while. Looking at the various IBM computers that were on display. Aftera while, an older looking gentleman approached him. The name on theclerks tag read Rajiv. May I help you he asked. Yeah, Im heading off to university next year and wasinterested in buying a computer. What can you tell me about them?From there the man started spouting off information ofmegahertz, memory, and everything under the Sun. Pete was quitebored with the information being thrown at him. He already owneda computer and knew everything the sales clerk was telling him. None the less, he put up with it and let him finish. Ok, so this one here is a 386, right? asked Pete. Correct replied the salesman. Hmm, Im kind of torn between the 386 and 486. A friend ofmine Tammy Contenda works here. Is she around? I love to hear whatshe has to say on this issue Pete said. Looking a little flustered and nervous the man replied Tammyhasnt been in to work since Saturday. I was under the impressionshe had gone missing. Hadnt you heard?No, I hadnt heard. Replied Pete. Do you know anythingabout it?Nothing. Now look. The police have already been in hereasking me questions and everything. Just whats your connection toher? asked the clerk. .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .postImageUrl , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:hover , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:visited , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:active { border:0!important; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:active , .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37 .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9ddb1606966092ba163b562352af9e37:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Filipino Heritage EssayIt was obvious form his reaction and tension that somethingwas bothering him. Pete decided to play it cool. Nothing, were just friends. Anyway, thanks for theinformation on the computers. Ill get back to you. With that he shook the clerks hand and left the store. Drivinghome, Pete couldnt help shake the feeling that the clerk knewsomething which he wasnt letting on to. * * * * *Thursday and our meeting came before I knew what had happened. Suddenly everyone came running in to my basement. After the usualround of pleasantries were sorted out, we sat down to business. Hey dudes, check this out echoed Tim. These cats, theProtons are heavily into debt. Check out the mortgage the have ontheir pad. Theres also this problemo of all the computer surplusthey have on hand at the stores. Whenever Tim started talking, I always had the shivers. Something about his surfer persona bothered me. I think it was thefact he actually look like a surfer. The long blonde hair, the airheadish attitude, everything. None the less, he was right. What are you suggesting then Tim? That the Protons kidnappedTammy for ransom? asked Jen. Uh, no way dudette. I was just making a causal observation. Chill out will ya?Id have to agree with Tim on this one I began. So what do you propose then, McDuff? asked Pete. I sat in silence for a while trying to think. Things hadbecome so clouded all of a sudden. Issues with Jen and I were stilltense. I think we should head down to Compu-Tech and see if we cantalk to the Protons. Maybe theyll crack under pressure and saymore than they should. Comments?Everyone sat and nodded in silence. Good, then its agreed. I propose that Pete and Dave be the ones to go in the store andtalk with them. Dave is already known to be with Tammy, so theowners will not be curious is Dave goes in there asking question. Pete, I just want you to look for anything suspicious. Ok?Both Dave and Pete nodded. Hey, I was talking with Tammysfolks last night began Dave and they told they found a computerdisk in her room when they were looking for clues as to where shemay have gone.Well bring that sucker in here. It may have valuable stuffon it! I replied. From here the meeting deteriorated. We decided to order insome pizza and sit around shoot the shit. I tended to keep mydistance from Jen as she did from me. It seems that when she shotme down for the prom I was more hurt than I realized. * * * * *Monday afternoon we met at my place and went down to Compu-Tech. After fifteen minutes Dave and Pete came out. Both haddefeated looks on their faces. Nothing they said as they entered the car. What happened dudes? No wave action or what? said Tim. Naw, the Protons have taken off for an unspecified amount oftime. It appears that this Rajiv guy is going to be running thingsuntil they return.Did he mentioned why theyd be returning?Naw, the guy said nothing. Then he tried to sell us somecomputer. Dave and I spent the entire fifteen minutes trying toleave the bloody place.Hey said Dave. I have that disk from Tammys place back atmy own. Why dont we go get it and take it over to Petes. Maybetheres something on it we can use. Shortly the six of us were al crowded around Petes computeras he drew up a directory on his disk drive. Nothing here but a bunch of lotus 1-2-3 files said Pete. Dude, do you have Lotus asked Tim. Yeah. I suppose I could load them in to the computer and seewhat theyre all about.A few whirls of Petes hard disk brought up the Lotus programand in a short while we were starring face to face with the Lotusfiles from the disk dave obtained from Tammys folks. Hey, do you realize what this is I screamed out. A bunch of meaningless numbers?Naw, this is the financial report for the company. This isthe stuff we were original after. And look at this. Looking atthese files shows their company is making major bucks. Yet when welooked at their government records, it showed they were loosingmoney. My fellow Renegades, I think weve found what we wereafter.* * * * *I think everyone felt better now that we knew the Protons werebehind Tammys appearance. We all agreed that Tammy must havediscovered the Protons were taking money off the top of theircompany and falsifying their tax records. Scared that Tammy wouldexpose them, they decided to get rid of her. This news did not sitwell with Dave. He was still pretty upset over her disappearance,and knowing her life may be in danger did not quell his nerves. However it was decided to call it night. Tomorrow wed hold anemergency meeting of the Renegades to figure out what to do. At 4pm sharp everyone arrived at my place. Ok, we know the Protons are behind this I began. Now thequestion is what to do from here. Ideas?Like, lets take this to the police cat. remarked Tim. And what? Tell them a bunch of 17 year olds know whokidnapped Tammy Contenda. Do you honestly think theyd believe us?A chorus of nos went around the room. Tim could be heardletting out a muffled bummer in the background. Suddenly Jenstood up. I have a plan she boldly said. We listened to her idea, and after and hour of hammering outthe details, we knew exactly what we were going to do. The planwent something like this. I was to call Compu-Tech and tell them I knew all about theirplot involving Tammy. From there Id tell them if they valued theirbusiness, they should meet me Friday night behind the local AP. Even though Rajiv told us they were on vacation somewhere, we feltthat he was relaying messages to them somehow. The next day when I arrived home from school the plan was setin motion. Rajiv told asked me my name, which as all good spies do,gave him a false one. I always warmed up to the name of JimMackinnon, so that was the name I gave him. Rajiv told me he didntknow what I was talking about, but hed try to get the messageacross to the Protons. I thanked him an hung up. Quick phone calls followed to my fellow Renegades telling themthe trap had been set. I think calling Jen was the hardest call inmy life. None the less, I made it. * * * * *Friday seemed to take for ever to arrive. However when it did,everything was planned out. Jen being the crack shot, hid herselfbehind a few milk crates. Derek was there with her hold a taperecorder. Tim was nearby in a parked car ready to pick them up. Over a bit closer to me were Dave and Frank. Again, the two of themwaiting in a parked car to get me. Everything was in place. Suddenly, from across the parking lot, a pair of car lights cameat me (us). Slowing, the car eventually came to a stop. Out emergedthe Protons. Who are you Mr. Jim Mackinnon and what have I done againstyou?Slow down there Jason Proton I started. The only thing Ihave against you is that youre endangering the life of a friendof mine. I want to see her returned.What are you talking about? The police are handling theContenda investigation as a teen-age runaway. I have better thingsto do with my time than stand here and be insulted by the likes ofsome 18 year old. In reality I was only 17, but hey. Jason Proton thinks Imolder, so much the better. Slowly, the two of them began to getback in their cars. I know about the imbezeling I screamed. That comment surestopped them in their tracks. Even from where I was standing Icould here his jaw hit the ground. WhatWhatTammy had no right to tell you that. the wordsseemed not to flow so easily for Mr. Proton now. Oh it wasnt Tammy. YOu see I have this little computer diskhere I said holding up a computer disk. You scum, thats breaking and entering!! he began to runafter me. Daves car engine roared to life as I dove in the back seat. Tims engine could be heard starting up as well. Then the noise ofa gun going off a few times was heard next. Not an ordinary gunhowever. Jens CO2 powered gun. I looked up from the back seat ofto see Jason Protons shirt covered in paint. I honestly believehe though he was shot. Argh!! he screamed as he fell to the ground. Im not sureif he was playing up the effects for all they were worth of ifphysiologically his mind told him a bullet had ripped through him. Whatever the case, Jen and Derek jumped intos Tim car and bothcars sped off into the night. We met no more than ten minutes back at my place. Quickly Ipulled out officer Lublanskis business card and called her athome. Even though it was 12:30am, I still felt she should know whathe had found out. To say the least, she was not amused that I hadwoken her up. She did however remember my name (luckily Iremembered the alias I had given her) and that shed be glad tohear what we had to say tomorrow morning. After begging andpleading my case she finally relented to see us tonight. Hurriedly I jotted down the directions to her house and within10 minutes were at her house. With bed head and all, officerLublanski came to the door and welcomed us in. I didnt even botherintroducing my companions. Tammys life is in great danger I blurted out. What do mean? she asked kind of sleepy like. We have proof that her employers may have done something withher spurted out Dave. Wait, who are these people? she asked. These are fellow Renegades. Look, I dont have time toexplain it all to you now. Please, just get a police car over tothe Contenda house hold. Please!!Officer Lublanski looked at us like we were nuts. However shemust have figured we had a good reason for being there. After all,why else would we wake up a police officer at 12:30? You guys hadbetter be right about this she mumbled. Stumbling off to the kitchen she invited us in to sit down andrelax. We looked exhausted as she put it. She was right to. Thesix of us clasped in the furniture she had set about her livingroom. In a few minutes she was on her way back over. Ok, a squad car is on its way over. Now, John do you care totell me what this is all about?With the mention of the name John, looked at me. They neverever though Id actually give a false name to a police officer. Well, its a long story I began. For starters, my real nameis not JohnI guess the story didnt take as long as I though, becausejust as I was finished up with how we had met the Protons tonight,her phone rang. After the usual yeahs and okays she hung upthe phone. I dont believe it she was saying as she approached us. Ijust dont believe it. We all jumped up as she came back. Well, dont keep ushanging' exclaimed Tim. I dont know how to tell you this, but the police found Tammyalive and well. It seems that when the Protons found out theirscheme was up, they didnt bother going back home. Tammy hadmanaged to take off her gag and was screaming at the top of herlungs for help. The police took her home. Shes going to be ok. The group of us let out a collective sigh of relief and sankback into our chairs. Speaking going home, I should be heading outmyself said Derek. Everyone murmured their agreement and we stoodup to leave. Id like to see you all down at the police station tomorrowis you dont mind officer Lublanski began. You know, to clear upall the lose strings and stuff. Sure, no problem. Good night we more or less said in unison. * * * * *We agreed to meet as a group and head over to the station at9am. When we arrived reporters and journalists were everywhere. Thepolice kept saying no comment. As we emerged from our car, theyall ran over to us. A tad intimidated with the rush of media types,we ran at full tilt into the police station. Bursting though thedoors we found ourselves face to face with the Protons. You little scum bag. I dont even know a Jim Mackinnonscreamed Jason Proton. Officer Lublanski was standing beside him and looked my way. I just smiled and said old habits are heard to break.I bet they are she replied. We caught these two at theairport. It seems they were making a run of Brazil. We arrived justin time to foil their plot.At the moment Tammy came running into the room and ran up toDave giving him a huge hag. Dave, its so nice to see you again.The rest of us turned away politely, not wanting to stare. If you dont mind, Id like all of you to come into my officeplease.We looked over to our left and saw an older type man with grayhair standing infront of an office. It didnt take a genius tofigure out it was the chief of police. I cant speak for theothers, but I was pretty scared. I mean we had interfered with apolice investigation. We had shot a firearm at someone. Technicallywe could be in a lot of trouble. Entering the office we noticed seven chairs infront of thechiefs desk. Pease, take a seat he motioned us as he closed thedoor behind him. Dave and Tammy sat together, holding hands. Forthe first time since Jen shot me down I sat beside her. For somestrange reason it felt good to be beside her. Id like to begin by saying that Im very glad miss Contendais ok. The last thing we need in this area is another homicide. Inthat respect Id like to congratulate you group, the Renegadesisnt it, on a job well done. began the Chief. Whew, that wasntso bad I thought. But as yes, theres always a but what youdid was terribly dangerous. Shooting off a fire-arm without apermit. Stealing personal information, endangering your lives,interfering with police workUh, sir asked Tim. For me it was the first time I hadntheard him talk like he was out at the beach. Are we going to berockin and rollin in jail. Ah there it was. Rockin and Rollin. I knew the surfer in Tim couldnt stay hidden. The Chief of Police let out a little chuckle. No, youre notgoing to be rockin and rollin as you so put it. In fact Im goingto honour you all with distinction medals. How does that sound?Totally tubular exclaimed Tim. I think our comrade speaks for all of us sir said Derek. Great. Then lets go outside and give the press what they camehere for. With that, we stood up and proceed to meet the media * * * * *It was a dream come true. Although spies dont want theirpicture published on the front page of a daily paper, that didntbother us. After all, its not every day a high school student helpssolve kidnapping cases. The group of us decided to put Renegade activities on holduntil school was out for the summer. The prom turned out to be afun time for everyone. I ended up going stag, which wasnt too bad. Derek and I managed to share costs for a limo as he went stag aswell. I had the front page of the newspaper in which we our pictureappeared framed. It now hangs at the head of my bed, reminding methat all the hard work wed done over the years finally amountedto something. The six of us, Tim Wolfe, David Sullivan, PeterShore, Jennifer Strong, Frank Robb, and myself Edward Cohagen. Nomore would we be embarrassed to tell our friends we were playingspy. Although we were no longer a spy agency. Now we were TheRenegades Private Investigators for Hire.
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